


文章: Vote for Your Favourite Prints

Vote for Your Favourite Prints

Vote for Your Favourite Prints

Our family collections have been a source of joy for many families like yours, and this time, we would like to hear your thoughts.

Vote for your favourite print through our Facebook post and the top choices may be reproduced in future! Plus, 5 winners will receive their choice of our limited-edition A5 notebooks worth HKD 109 each.

Featuring our newest additions to the family -

Aren't they perfect for this gifting season?

We've also included our past family prints to vote for as well!

Voting ends 25th December 2022, 2359H (GMT +8).
Winners will be picked by random and announced on Facebook by 28 December 2022.

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Welcome to the Animal Kingdom


於較早前,我們在社交平台上邀請大家為我們新一季的動物連身衣及其角色命名。 我們得到結果了,感謝大家勇躍參與活動!讓我們逐一向大家介紹新一季的動物連身衣,每個角色有著自己獨特的個性,與您以往見過的動物很不一樣喔! 一起探索了動物王國後,您最喜歡是哪種動物呢? 讓寶寶穿上我們最新動物系列並拍下他們可愛的一面,誠邀大家在社交平台分享相片及標記我們 @mimi.mono.design ,記錄小寶...

Manifest AI