


文章: Family Fun with Flower Pressing Art | mimi mono

Family Fun with Flower Pressing Art | mimi mono

Family Fun with Flower Pressing Art | mimi mono

Here at mimi mono, we are nature lovers and are always looking for fun ways to integrate that into our lives, aside from what we wear. Cultivate your green thumbs even when you are indoors and do not have any experience, which makes flower pressing the perfect art activity with your little one! Pressed flower art consists of drying flower petals and leaves to flatten. As most flowers soon wither once plucked, one way to preserve them is by pressing. This activity is a simple way to teach your child about preserving a moment in time and beauty.

奈美良一是一個有質感,有溫度的生活美學品牌。除了在穿著方面,我們尋找著不同有趣的方法把自然融入日常生活之中。押花 — 一門即使你沒有任何經驗,也可以讓一雙平平無奇的手化作為綠拇指,製作出美麗的押花。押花藝術是由乾燥花瓣和葉子壓平而成。由於大多數花朵在採摘後很快就會枯萎,因此保存它們的一種方法就是把其壓平。


What you'll need 所需材料: 

  • A collection of flowers or leaves 一些花朵和葉子
  • Glue 膠水
  • Scissors 剪刀
  • A heavy book 一本書
  • 2 X parchment papers 2張紙
  • Paper backdrop 背景紙
  • Photo Frame 相框

What to do 製作方法: 

1. Collect some colourful flowers and leaves (please do not pluck from public land!)  


2. Lay them flat on parchment paper and ensure that they do not overlap with each other.


3. Cover with another piece of parchment paper and lay a heavy hardcover book on top.


4. Leave them to dry for a few day. 


5. Once flattened and dried, lightly brush with glue on the back of the flowers and petals and attach them to a new piece of paper, which will be the backdrop.


6. Lastly, allow the glue to dry before framing.


Introducing our botanic collection. Inspired by Singapore’s garden city and flower pressing art, our exclusive pressed flower print are full of lively vibes. Available in family and siblings matching styles, you and your loved ones are sure to create fond memories while wearing them. Our clothes are made of high-quality, 100% Japanese cotton which is soft to touch and environmentally friendly.



Check out our Botanic range.



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