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文章: Behind the Print: Seagulls

Behind the Print: Seagulls

Behind the Print: Seagulls

At mimi mono, we like to turn fashion into art through our art activities and vice-versa, art into fashion. Hence in our Seagulls collection, we collaborated with Japanese printmaker, Itsuko Naka. Discover the artist and inspiration behind the exclusive print.

奈美良一作為生活美學品牌,我們鍾情於把時尚變為藝術,反之亦然,就是把藝術變為時尚,實現兩者完美的融合。因此,本季推出的海鷗系列,我們首次與日本畫家 Itsuko Naka 合作,一起探索這獨特印花背後的設計靈感。

About the artist 關於藝術家

Itsuko Naka is a printmaker from Kyoto that makes original prints inspired by her daily life, such as the seasonal changes in Japan, the adorable animals, plants, and wild birds that flutter by. Her works are a blend of traditional and modern through the digitalisation of traditional paper cut patterns.
Itsuko Naka,來自京都的畫家,她的設計靈感取自於日常生活,例如日本四季的氣候變化,可愛的動物,植物,飛翔的鳥兒等。她把傳統剪紙技術結合現代藝術思維,創造出獨一無二的印花。

This unique print depicts that memory Naka had. An important element to her work is the blending of a traditional paper-cut technique and digitalising the paper cut patterns. Lastly, turning her art into something wearable.
這獨特的印花正是描繪Itsuko Naka的記憶。她的作品其中一個重要的元素是把傳統剪紙技術與現代的藝術思維融合。 最後,將她的藝術變成為衣服或飾品。

Got a memory of a couple of seagulls floating on the glistening waters. It was a typical afternoon in her life as she finds tranquillity in nature in a busy city.


Seagull Collection is launched.



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